White, pale skin that is flawless seems to be what every woman wants. And it doesn't matter whether you are African or Asian or European either. Everyone wants their skin to be lighter with as few blemishes as possible and many are willing to apply potentially life threateningwhitening ingredients to their face like hydroquonine in order to have less skin flaws. But the good news is that there are natural more safe methods to handle skin issues and this includes skin whitening. In this article, I will go over some of the other methods that many women use world wide to whiten their skin and remove blemishes like freckles and age spots naturally.
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Your Diet is the first step to having great looking skin..
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While many women will agree that things like chocolate and sodas could be a problem when it comes to perfect skin, many don't realize exactly how far you should take it in regards to having better skin. If you want flawless skin, you should consider removing all refined products from your diet. Refined products typically will contain genetically modified ingredients that are not only not good for you personally but will wreck havoc on your skin and face.
Many have gravitated to the Paleo diet or caveman diet and have seen results in terms of acne and other skin problems. This diet could be a great starting point for those who are looking to have better skin solely through their diet. And while it may not "whiten your skin", it will improve the elasticity and appearance of your skin and help to eliminate blemishes quickly. Another less radical diet, which consists of organic whole food is the Urban Healthy Kitchen Diet.
Both of these diets recommend lots of water and fiber as well as staying away from sugar which can be a catalyst in producing bad skin.
Natural Skin Lightening Advice
Once you have modified your diet to healthy and wholesome diet, the next step is to search for natural skin lightening ingredients. The good news is that they are out there and you can literally side step the products that can cause cancer because of what it contains; things like mercury and hydroquinone are popular ingredients in these skin whitening products.
The good news is that nature has some great alternatives to whitening skin. It's secret? If you want white skin, you need to look no further than to some popular citris fruits....the lemon and the lime.
Limes and Lemons Will Help to Whiten Skin
Citric acid is a great base that will whiten your skin gradually. I say gradually because you probably won't notice a difference immediately. If you decide to use citric acid based fruits, understand that you shouldn't use it and then go out in the sun as you may burn if you have fair skin or tan if you have darker skin.
Citric acid is also a good acne home remedy as well.
To use this skin whitening method, you will want to create a mask with a couple lemons or limes a cup of raw milk and a teaspoon of glycerin or flour. The flour will make this into a paste that you can apply directly to your skin. Apply this to your face and leave on 20-30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.
Another alternative to using lemon or lime juice as a skin whitening mask is to take a few drops of lemon juice and mix with some grated tomatoes. Apply to the face and leave on for 20 minutes and then rinse off. Do this twice a day for up to 20 days and you should notice whiter skin.
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